Graco Duo Strollers are awesome…

Graco Duo Strollers are awesome…

With our second daughter arriving in October, I’ve been on the hunt for a double stroller.

After checking about 20 different strollers I settled on the Graco Quattro Tour Duo.

Part spaceship, part baby stroller. They got the size, weight, price and color scheme perfect for what I’m looking for when cruising with my little ladies.

I’ll have a video up on my youtube page shortly to show it off, but in the meantime for anyone who is looking for a double stroller, you really should check out the Graco line.


Baby Gap Addiction


Baby Gap can turn into an addiction which will make even the strongest minded of all financially tight-fisted fathers spend every dime they have…

My one year old daughter is rapidly being made into a Baby Gap fashion model. Why? I have to admit it, I have a baby gap obsession. But I don’t think there is a Baby Gap Addict Anonymous anywhere near me.

For me they have the best baby clothes for the best prices. And when I walked by and there was a 50% off sale plus 15% with my Gap card I could no longer control my spending urge. I think I bought one of everything that was on sale…I know, I know, I know…

Best Baby Bottles to Buy

Best Baby Bottles to Buy

Okay so almost everyone has heard of Dr. Brown’s bottles and Avent Bottles, but have you heard of Podee Bottles?

If you are going to bottle feed your baby, you want to make sure that you have the right bottles for the job. These are the three that I have found to work the best for the earlier stages up to one year old

10-5 Graco Nautilus Car Seat Review

10-5 Graco Nautilus Car Seat Review

Picking a car seat is not the same as picking a baby toy. You really want to make sure you get a product that you are comfortable with.

Because the traffic is so chaotic in Mexico I wanted to ensure I got a mid-level baby car seat that was comfortable, safe and didn’t break the bank.

After an excessive amount of looking we decided on the Graco Nautilus 3 in 1 baby car seat and I am extremely pleased with the choice. This is a basic look and feel of it.

I did go a little skimpy on the details because I don’t feel that the nitty gritty is my place to cover, as car seat safety is such a sensitive subject.